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City walls survey


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The Norwich City Walls Survey was commissioned by Norwich City Council.

Purcell Miller Tritton managed the survey and would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following people to the completion of this project.

Purcell Miller Tritton

Mark Goldspink - Managing Partner
Clare Currie - Project Management and Condition Surveys
Christine Boswell - Landscape Proposals
Gary Dalton - Computer Database Manager & Web Product Design
David Waters - Computer Database assembly
Mike Lee - Survey Assistant
Lise Rose - Digital image processing

Historic Building Surveys

John Heward - Survey Reports and Project Design
Jonathon Cooke - Survey Drawings and Photography
Dr Noel James Menuge - Documentary Research

Historical illustrations

(which must not be reproduced without permission)

Norma Watt, Assistant Keeper of Art, Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery, Norwich, NR1 3JHJ. Tel: 01603 493635.

Structural condition survey

Brian Morton, The Morton Partnership Ltd, Arcadia House, 19 Market Place, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 8BB.

Historical advice

Philip Dixon, Consultant Archaeologist, 24 Crown Street, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 4UY Tel: 01636 659464.

Boom Towers underwater survey

Stuart Leather, Nautical Archaeological Survey, Fort Cumberland, Fort Cumberland Road, Eastney, Portsmouth, PO4 9LD - 02392 818419.

Extracts from Ordnance Survey material are reproduced with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Licence No LA978867.2000. Further reproduction in part or in whole many not be made without prior permission of Ordnance Survey, Copyright and Legal Affairs, Romsey, Southampton, SO9 4DH. 02380 792706.

Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings Crown Copyright.

Survey drawings, text and other illustrative contained in this survey are copyright and must not be reproduced or electronically stored without the written permission of Norwich City Council, City Hall, St Peter Street, Norwich, NR1 4HH and Purcell Miller Tritton, 3 Colegate, Norwich, NR3 1BN. Tel: 01603 674444.

Funding and resources for the execution of the survey and the preparation and production of the report were contributed by the following.

Norwich City Council
English Heritage
Heritage Lottery Fund
East Norwich (Bright Prospects) SRB Challenge Fund
Capital Challenge - Living in the City - Fund