- Prevention and early intervention to reduce harm: taking public health approach to understand the broader societal factors that drive Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) and crime including lived experience of victims and perpetrators.
- Reducing the likelihood of young people engaging in ASB or being victims of crime: Identifying children and young people at risk of victimisation and progressing along the path to adolescent and adult offending.
- Supporting victims and communities – creating resilience and developing shared objectives: we will ensure reporting processes are clear and accessible. Victims must be confident that they will be taken seriously. Timely communication with victims will improve case management and build trust.
- Strong and effective partnership working – public sector, residents, third sector, and business: we will take a whole-council approach to community safety. Cohesive and coordinated response across services including community safety, ASB response and enforcement, licensing, public protection, citywide services, and housing.
- Effective data gathering, sharing and use: we want a comprehensive understanding of the community safety crime issues at a local and regional level. We will gather data and share information to support the delivery of more effective interventions in our communities and neighbourhoods.
- Fostering good relations between diverse identities and communities: Supporting equality, diversity and inclusion is a cornerstone of our community safety agenda. We will encourage and support understanding across our communities, challenging extremism, responding effectively to hate incidents and crime.
- Timely and effective enforcement when required: It will be necessary at times to take formal action against individuals to remedy ASB. All partners will be conversant in the full range of tools and powers and deploy them appropriately