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My Norwich

East Norwich Masterplan stage 2: The big opportunities

Taking account of the site conditions and the feedback received from stakeholders and local people, we feel three principal opportunities emerge which underpin the whole masterplan framework.

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No. 1

Opening new connections between the city and the broads

The sites have long played a significant role in the city’s industrial history, but this has meant that they have been inaccessible to the public for many decades. One of the biggest opportunities presented by their redevelopment is opening up this strategic site, between the historic city centre and the Broads, and providing a network of walking, wheeling, and cycling routes between the two.

No. 2

An extension of Norwich’s magnificent waterfront

Historically, the industrial east of the city relied on the River Wensum for the movement of materials and products, supporting manufacturing processes, and cooling at the great Thorpe Power Station. The masterplan presents an opportunity to recast this relationship with the river, creating vibrant and attractive riverside environments; protecting existing and supporting new wetland 

No. 3

A glorious past, framing an exciting future

East Norwich, and the Carrow Works site in particular, has huge historical significance for the city.

Reimagined landscapes and repurposed buildings will combine to support the regeneration of east Norwich. New will complement old to form a series of connected but contrasting neighbourhoods which support a vibrant mix of uses, activities, tenures and environments, with Carrow Abbey at its heart.

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