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Greater Norwich Homelessness Forum

The Greater Norwich Homelessness Forum seeks to improve partnership working and develop a co-ordinated approach to preventing homelessness in Greater Norwich through the following aims:

  • Bring together service providers, stakeholders and other interested parties who want to help identify the factors and causes of homelessness in Greater Norwich and listen to the views of partners and stakeholders.
  • Develop approaches with forum members from identified issues
  • Share good practice amongst forum members and seek out external examples
  • Provide a sounding board and work with local authority and statutory partners to help develop local homelessness strategies and action plans
  • Provide a mechanism for continuous feedback and improvement of homelessness services in Greater Norwich
  • Promote joint working amongst members of the forum
  • Celebrate and publicise the forum’s achievements and successes
  • Develop a co-ordinated approach to preventing homelessness in Greater Norwich

The forum’s current priorities involve:

  • Targeting our resources at those people who are most at risk of homelessness
  • Helping people find affordable, safe, good quality housing
  • Working better together with partners, so that we can work in a co-ordinated way to prevent homelessness
  • Helping people develop independent living skills, maintain or regain their independence to reduce the risk of someone becoming homeless in the future

Current chair of the forum

The current chair is Jamie Sutterby, Director of People & Communities, South Norfolk District Council.


The forum meets four times a year at Broadland District Council, Council Chamber, unless otherwise stated. Meeting times are 10am to midday. 

The meeting due to be held on 12 December has been rescheduled to Friday 17 January 2020.

Meeting minutes

4 July 2019


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