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My Norwich

Equality and diversity strategy 2024-27

Strategy overview

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July 2024

This Equality strategy sets out Norwich City Council’s continued commitment to tackling inequality and promoting diversity. This covers both our legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 and our wider ambition to reduce socio-economic and health inequalities in the city.

It outlines how we will work with our partners to make Norwich the best it can be for everyone, recognising that different people and communities have different needs, so it’s a city where everyone: 

  • feels they belong  
  • is respected 
  • has a voice  
  • has the chance to succeed and thrive.  

We want to be an organisation that makes a real difference for the people of Norwich by: 

  • showing respect and kindness to everyone, 
  • giving the most help to the people who need it the most, 
  • continuing to learn and improve, 
  • focusing on prevention and early intervention.

We have three aims which are supported by key priorities: 

Aim 1

Norwich City Council is an inclusive place to work.


  • Ensure that the profile of our workforce broadly reflects the city’s population and the local labour market. 
  • Continue to develop inclusive working practices and policies.
  • Support colleagues to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to consider equality in all their work.

Aim 2

Our services will be joined up, accessible and inclusive.


  • Improve a range of communication platforms and channels to enhance accessibility, including for those facing digital exclusion. 
  • Undertake service-specific equalities reviews, so every service reflects our ambition.
  • Ensure that our knowledge about the people and communities we serve informs our service planning, and that their voices are heard.

Aim 3

Norwich is a fair city where people facing inequality can share in and contribute to the city’s success.


  • Ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion outcomes inform wider council policies, strategies and programmes.
  • Focus our efforts on the places and communities in the city that face the biggest disadvantages, improving our use of data to help us do this. 
  • Develop our leadership capacity and capability around equalities.
  • Continue working with partners to influence investment and target resource.
  • Mitigate the disproportionate inequalities of climate change impacting specific sectors of the community.
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