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My Norwich

Commissioned activity

Why the council commissions services

This happens when the council chooses to work with external parties in the public, private and voluntary and community sectors to deliver services, rather than deliver them directly.

We recognise that through commissioning, we can achieve our outcomes and make best use of its available resources, ensuring quality and efficiency. Commissioning is also a means by which the council can invest in and support local business and voluntary and community sector organisations.

What commissioning includes

Purchasing of goods and services via a procurement process with legally binding contracts or securing delivery of outcomes through grant making arrangements. The commissioning route, procurement or grant, is largely determined according to the needs of the specific service and other factors, including providers and service users’ views.

How it works

We have developed a commissioning framework which sets out key principles that underpin the council's commissioning practices and the processes to follow as part of the commissioning cycle.

Grants that we award include:

Annual grants

The council awards annual grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

Community grants programme

The community grants programme makes grants of £50, £300 and £500 available to community groups or groups of residents wishing to undertake small projects or activities that support people getting involved in their neighbourhood.

Grants in kind

Grants in kind are an offer of resources or the use of facilities as an alternative to a financial grant.


The council procures services from businesses, the voluntary and community sector and sole traders. More about procurement.

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