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CCTV code of practice


The system consists of static and re-deployable, fully functional (pan, tilt and zoom) cameras.

All cameras are sited so that they are clearly visible, although some are mounted within protective domes. No hidden cameras will be used within this scheme, nor will the scheme use dummy cameras.

A full list of public space cameras, their location and the areas of view is available on the council’s website. There is also an interactive map pinpointing camera locations.

Remote deployable CCTV cameras are designed to be deployed into other areas of the city on a temporary basis for pre-determined periods of time. The use of these cameras is governed in the same way as the fixed position cameras. They will be operated in accordance with this code of practice and relevant legislation.

The remote deployable CCTV cameras will only be used to support wider community safety initiatives as part of a multi-agency problem solving approach. There will be a clear indication of expected and measurable outcomes to make sure the problem does not continue once the cameras are removed. A data protection impact assessment will be completed each time a camera is deployed in a new location.

Fixed cameras are recording simultaneously throughout 24-hour periods, 365 days each year. The remote deployable cameras are recording throughout 24-hour periods for the duration of the deployment.

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