Updated 14 July 2020
The government has confirmed a package of financial measures to support businesses.
You do not need to employ Rating Agents or other organisations outside of the council to claim the support that is available as they may take a percentage of any relief or grant they claim on your behalf.
Business grants
There are two grant funding schemes that will allow a payment to businesses affected by the coronavirus. Read the government’s guidance on the grant schemes.
Scheme 1 – Small business rate relief grant
- £10,000 for businesses in receipt of small business rates relief (one grant per business)
This includes those properties with a rateable value between £12,000 and £15,000 in receipt of tapered relief) on 11 March 2020.
Scheme 2 – retail, hospitality and leisure business grants
- £10,000 for retail, hospitality or leisure businesses in receipt of the expanded retail discount with a rateable value of £15,000 or less (one grant per premises)
- £25,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses in receipt of the expanded retail discount with a rateable value of more than £15,000 but less than £51,000 (one grant per premises)
Please note: the following do not qualify for a grant:
- businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 or more and over
- properties occupied for personal use or storage of loose boxes
- private stables
- moorings
- car parks and parking spaces
- business not in the retail, hospitality or leisure sectors
Check your rateable value
If you are unsure of what your business rateable value is please refer to your last bill. Alternatively you can visit the Valuation Office Agency website.
Business rates holiday
Businesses in the following sectors will not have to pay business rates for 2020/21 tax year:
Retail, hospitality and leisure
Retail relief is extended to 100% for all retail, hospitality and leisure properties (such as museums, theatres, gyms and hotels) irrespective of their rateable value.
Check if your business is eligible for business rates relief
All premises occupied by providers on Ofsted’s Early Years Register and wholly or mainly used for the provision of the Early Years Foundation Stage will receive 100% relief for the financial year 2020/21.
Check if your nursery is eligible for business rates relief
How businesses apply for financial support
Business rates relief
You don't need to take any action. We will identify businesses that are entitled to the relief and will send a revised bill as soon as possible.
We are asking all eligible businesses to complete our online form to ensure we have all the correct details to enable us to process their payment.
We are working hard to get all grants paid out to businesses and have compiled some payment FAQs to help.
It is taking up to two weeks to process the grants, but some take longer if we need more information. We will get in touch with you if this is the case, but if you want to contact us, please email: revenues@norwich.gov.uk and include your business rates number. Alternatively you can call 0344 980 3333.
Not sure if you are eligible for a grant? Make sure by reading through this government guidance.
Business rates collection
We understand that this a challenging time for many businesses, but we do expect those that can afford to maintain their direct debit or payment plans to keep up with their payments.
However, to support businesses that may be struggling at this time, we will not be taking any enforcement action.
In the short-term, we are proposing to introduce some flexible payment plans where our customers can opt to start their payments for the new 2020/21 charge period in June rather than April. Please email revenues@norwich.gov.uk to request a change to your payment plan.