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My Norwich

Raising the flag for Norwich’s award-winning parks and green spaces.

Cllr Emma Hampton with Friends of Kett's Heights group
Cllr Emma Hampton with Friends of Kett's Heights group
Published on Tuesday, 16th July 2024

We are pleased and proud to announce that Norwich has been awarded the Green Flag award for six of our parks and green spaces this year, including three new ones.

The Green Flag Award® scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.

This year the coveted Green Flag has recognised the following parks and open spaces in Norwich as outstanding examples of green outdoor spaces for people to enjoy: 

Kett’s Heights – a new winner and thanks to significant funding from The Greater Norwich Growth Board, this park overlooking the cathedral and castle has had significant improvements to make it accessibility-friendly, including new ramped access and resurfaced pathways. The improvements were designed and managed by the council’s team of landscape architects which works with the Friends of Kett’s Heights and the Norwich Fringe Project to improve and maintain the site.

Cavan Stewart, chairman of the Friends of Kett’s Heights has said, “The Friends are delighted that this much-loved historic site is now even more accessible to visitors and volunteers and will encourage an increase in the number of visitors coming to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this much-loved open space, as well as providing a community focus for the people of Thorpe Hamlet.”

Jenny Lind Park has also won an award for the first time this year. An important green space in the busy Town Close ward and cared for by the Jenny Lind Gardening Group who commented on the news of the Green Flag Award, “That's great news! It will give a great boost to the park and its users”.

Heigham Parkanother new award and very timely as the park has recently celebrated its centenary in June this year after a successful celebratory event held by the Friends of Heigham Park.

Mousehold Heath – we have retained our green flag status for Mousehold Heath for the third year running and received one of the highest scores across the UK. Volunteering opportunities are a major part of the work that is undertaken here under the incredible wardens we have who work here full-time.

Waterloo Park - we have also retained our Green Flag Awards and Green Heritage status for both Waterloo Park and Eaton Park with major improvements to both play areas carried out earlier in the year. The work of both Friends Groups here is as ever exemplary.

Eaton Park has retained its green flag status for the seventh year running. Improvement works included the play areas and the relocation of the well-known Thomas Browne sculptures, The Homage, known locally as the brain and the eye, as part of the Hay Hill Town Deal project.

Cllr Emma Hampton, Cabinet member with responsibility for our Parks and Open spaces said, “We are thrilled to hear we have been awarded no less than six green flags this year, and three of these are new awards. A huge thanks to all our volunteers and staff who work tirelessly all year to maintain and improve all our parks and green spaces in Norwich. These spaces are vital for our communities to socialise, enjoy nature, and for children to play safely, and of course it provides important opportunities for park users to improve their physical and mental health.”

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