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Apply for planning permission

When making a planning application, it is important to:

See Information about choosing an architect, planner or building agent

Important: Recreational Access Mitigation Strategy tariff

As of 31 April 2023, the council will be applying a Recreational Access Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) tariff of £221.17 (RPI linked) per dwelling to permissions for development resulting in a net increase in residential units, including dwellings, student accommodation, care homes and hotels. The payment will be payable upon commencement of development and will be secured by a legal agreement in the form of a Unilateral Undertaking under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act submitted with the application. Read more about the RAMS tariff

Apply online

We encourage you to submit your application online through the government's planning website where you can create a site location plan, add attachments, calculate the fee (where required) and pay via a secure link to the council's online payments webpage.

Apply for planning permission

Apply by post

If you cannot submit your application online you can download the application forms and send them to us.

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