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My Norwich

Environmental strategy 2020-25

Vision, themes, priorities

To be recognised as one of the best councils in the country for addressing the issue of climate change.


Community leadership:  through providing leadership to the city including championing and advocating, listening, engaging and communicating, and building and maintaining strong partnerships.

Service provision: through providing a range of services including planning, housing, transport, waste collection and recycling, environmental management and protection.

Buyers of goods and services:  through purchasing a range of goods and services including ensuring procurement processes support sustainability.

Estate management: through better management of our own transport and buildings the council can cut emissions and save money and manage the estate so it can be better adapted to the changing climate.

Our priorities will be:

Priority 1: work with partners, through the Norwich 2040 City Vision, to develop a citywide response to climate change to reduce the city’s carbon dioxide emissions;

Priority 2: reduce the council’s own carbon dioxide emissions;

Priority 3: increase reuse and recycling in the city and reduce the amount of
residual waste;

Priority 4: increase the energy efficiency of all the housing stock in the city;

Priority 5: ensure that new development is carried out in a sustainable way;

Priority 6: support and encourage more sustainable transport solutions;

Priority 7: support a low carbon economy in Norwich;

Priority 8: prepare for the impacts of climate change;

Priority 9: work with local communities to ensure our local environment is protected and enhanced where possible;

Priority 10: work with partners to promote behavioural change to establish a more sustainable society 

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