There's never a good time to be sleeping outside. Additional shelter for anyone sleeping rough in Norwich is available six nights a week (Thursdays closed) from November until March, regardless of the temperature.
This year, the shelter has been kindly provided by The Cathedral of St John the Baptist and Norwich Central Baptist Church.
The winter shelter is provided on top of a daily outreach service by the Pathways team. It offers warm and comfortable beds for verified rough sleepers, referred by Pathways. A referral process is in place to make sure the shelter accommodates people that have a level of needs that can be met, volunteers and guests are not exposed to unknown risks and to improve engagement with services. Most people sleeping rough can be accommodated through the city's hostel system, however some people choose not to use this or do not feel able to.
Clients who use the shelter will be encouraged to engage with the Pathways service, as its aim is to find people more permanent accommodation.