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Site specific allocations in the remainder of the city

R17: Van Dal Shoes, Dibden Road


This brownfield site consists of two storey industrial buildings with associated outbuildings on the northern part of the site and a surface parking area to the south. There is an adopted road central to the site which splits the two areas of land and the sites including the road extend to 0.54 hectares. The site is currently in use as a shoe factory with a factory retail outlet. The historic factory backs onto the footpath along Dibden Road. This site is located in a residential area largely surrounded by a mixture of terraced houses and flats. There is a new hostel development to the south-west of the site and open space to the south.
Explanatory text

The site provides the opportunity for new housing on a brownfield site with excellent access to employment opportunities and services in the city centre and nearby shopping facilities on Sprowston Road and at the Anglia Square large district centre. Housing development is suitable on this site within a predominantly residential area.
The heritage significance of existing locally listed buildings should be recognised and assessed to consider whether they are suitable for conversion in part or as a whole. Following assessment development should involve either conversion of the existing locally listed buildings or redevelopment if this is not practical. If redeveloping the site, the heritage significance of the locally listed buildings should be recorded and included on the Heritage Environment Record. Some form of heritage interpretation to commemorate the former use of the site would be appropriate in redevelopment proposals. New development should be designed to integrate well with surrounding housing and to make the best of the potential for views over the city.
Prior to development, assessment and remediation of any possible contamination should take place. Development must also take account of the existing electrical sub-station fronting Dibden Road and the mast on the open space to the south. Consideration should also be given to the retention of trees in the north of the site which provide amenity value to this part of the site and wider area.
Development will need to address access issues including the potential stopping up or diversion of the highway. Existing pedestrian links should not be affected and pedestrian and cycle links should be enhanced, linking to Mousehold Avenue and Gertrude Road, providing a link to the pink route of the strategic cycle network. Footpath access to Gertrude Road from the end of Dibden Road should be retained.
A contamination assessment and any necessary mitigation measures are required. 
The site lies within a Critical Drainage Catchment as identified on the Policies map. Therefore development proposals involving new buildings, extensions and additional areas of hard surfacing should ensure that adequate and appropriate consideration has been given to mitigating surface water flooding in accordance with policy DM5.

The site is being promoted for housing development by the land owner and is likely to be available for development within the plan period.
POLICY R17: Van Dal Shoes, Dibden Road – housing development

The site (0.54 hectares) is allocated for housing development. Depending on the nature of the scheme in the region of 20 to 25 dwellings will be provided on this site through conversion of locally listed buildings or new build.

An assessment the heritage significance of existing buildings on-site to consider whether they are suitable for conversion in part or as a whole will be required. 
Development will:

  • address access issues including the potential stopping up or diversion of the highway;
  • provide enhanced pedestrian and cycle links to Mousehold Avenue and Gertrude Road;
  • be designed to promote biodiversity links between neighbouring green spaces, and to take account of existing trees on-site and the site’s prominent location.

A surface water management assessment should be submitted with any application proposing development in accordance with this allocation. The assessment should show how the proposed development:

a)    would not increase the vulnerability of the site, or the wider catchment, to flooding from surface water run-off from existing or predicted water flows, and;

b)    would, wherever practicable, have a positive impact on the risk of surface water flooding in the wider area.

Site specific Allocation Land, Hall Road and land to the rear

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