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Site specific allocations in the remainder of the city

R7: John Youngs Limited, 24 City Road


The site is 0.89 hectares in size and is currently occupied by John Youngs Ltd. for employment purposes. The buildings on site comprise mostly functional industrial buildings, including buildings used for a machine-hire business, with some ancillary offices in the north of the site. There are trees and historic walls along its southern boundary.
This site is between Hall Road and City Road in the south of the city and is located in a predominantly residential area. There are terraced houses to the east and north of the site and flats to the west. The site borders the Grade II listed St Mark’s Church and its churchyard to the south.

Explanatory text

The site is close to the city centre and a range of facilities in the nearby local centre and is close to good public transport services; development will help enhance the character of the predominantly residential City Road area.
Development proposals must address the site’s constraints. On site constraints include trees along the southern boundary, possible contamination and the need for demolition of existing buildings. The Victorian building in the north of the site has some heritage interest although it has been extensively altered and extended and consequently is neither statutorily listed nor on the city council’s local list. If viable, the option of retaining the building and converting it for residential purposes may be considered as part of comprehensive redevelopment of the site. 
The design of the development must also protect and enhance the setting of St Mark’s Church, including its graveyard and historic walls, protecting its value as a listed building, as an open space and its biodiversity and habitat value.  
The site is close the orange route of the strategic cycle network in Hall Road. Development should provide a cycle and pedestrian link between Hall Road and City Road via the strip of land along the southern part of the site providing a connection through the site to local facilities in the wider area. Vehicular access should be from City Road. Its design should reduce the current number of access points onto City Road to improve highway safety within this area.

The site is in a single ownership and is being actively promoted for development by the landowner. It is suitable and available for development within the plan period.
POLICY R7: John Youngs Limited, 24 City Road – housing development

24 City Road is allocated for housing development. A minimum of 45 dwellings will be provided.   
Development will:

  • provide a pedestrian/cycle link between Hall Road and City Road;
  • have vehicular access from City Road;
  • protect trees along the southern boundary and enhance the landscape setting of the site; and
  • protect and enhance the setting of St Mark’s Church and graveyard.

Consideration should be given to retaining and converting the Victorian building in the north-east corner of the site for residential uses as part of the comprehensive development of the site, subject to viability.

Site specific Allocation Land, Hall Road and land to the rear

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