The site is part of Heigham Water Treatment Works at Waterworks Road and is 5 hectares in size. The site comprises of redundant filter beds and a number of historic industrial buildings in a landscaped setting on the east of the site which have been converted into employment uses. The site also has an attractive boundary wall running along Waterworks Road which defines the space of the treatment works.
The site is within the Wensum Valley, with the river to the north and Waterworks Road to the south. The remaining part of the water treatment works is to the west and there is a recent housing development to the east. Waterworks Road is an area with a mixture of uses including residential and with predominantly industrial uses opposite the site. It is a secondary route which connects two key radial roads.
Explanatory text
This part of the water treatment works is identified as surplus to Anglian Water’s operational needs and is planned to be decommissioned. Use of the site for housing will help to meet housing need in an accessible location, and will enable the creation of a high quality open space along the river with public access.
The majority of the site is within flood zone 2, whilst a small part of the site is in flood zone 3a. A site specific flood risk assessment will need to be completed prior to the planning application stage. The area falling within flood zone 3a must not be developed for housing; instead, it should be included in the landscaping and open space provision. Since the site is over 1 hectare, a flood risk assessment is required and appropriate mitigation measures should be provided as part of the development.
Development of the site will only be possible subsequent to decommissioning and will require consultation with the Health and Safety Executive. Development should take into account possible site contamination.
This site is a regionally important “industrial garden”, as identified by the Norfolk Historic Gardens Survey. An archaeological survey is required before any development takes place and the design of the development should seek to retain the special characteristics of the site. Since three buildings on site, Eastgate House, Pump House 1 and Pump House 2, are locally listed, these should be retained for small business uses or converted to residential uses.
The site is an environmental asset due to its river valley location and being part of the green infrastructure network. Biodiversity therefore should be assessed, protected and enhanced as part of the development by providing a green open space along the river, with a riverside walk, retaining mature trees on the river frontage as far as possible. The route should link to the local cycle route across the Wensum Valley to the west of the site.
Since the site is also within 200 metres of the Site of Special Scientific Interest at Sweet Briar Road Meadow, environmental effects will need to be screened to assess the likelihood of them being significant before or as part of any development proposal under the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.
Access will be from the current access to the east of the site and internal roadways designed to limit impact on the valley setting.
The site lies adjacent to the River Wensum. A written consent from the Environment Agency is required for proposed works or structures, in, under, over or within 9 metres of the top of the bank of a designated ‘main river’. It is recommended that developers engage in early discussions with the Environment Agency.
The site is actively promoted by the landowner and there is a reasonable prospect that the site will be delivered during the plan period. The site is suitable (with necessary mitigation measures identified above) and available for development.
POLICY R31: Heigham Water Treatment Works, Waterworks Road – housing led mixed use development
The site is allocated for housing led mixed use development with a potential to include a number of small industrial/business units, subject to the decommissioning of the site and the revocation or variation of the hazardous substance consent such that the alternative use of the site is considered unlikely to result in unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
A minimum of 150 dwellings will be provided, depending on the appropriate mitigation measures being undertaken, including the provision of adequate access to the site.
The land adjoining the River Wensum will include a public open space with a publicly accessible riverside walk.
The development will be designed to promote biodiversity, including the protection of trees.
Locally listed buildings will be retained for business uses and/or residential uses and the boundary wall and other identified heritage assets will be protected.
An archaeology site brief will be required.