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Site specific allocations in the remainder of the city

R24: Land adjoining Lime Kiln Mews


The site is located in the north-west of the city. It is 0.47 hectares in size, with a frontage to Drayton Road. It is on two levels with steep banks to the rear of the site rising up to the Aylsham Road. This site is currently derelict and has recently undergone treatment for Japanese knotweed and removal of some self-seeded trees which had overgrown parts of the site. 
The site is largely surrounded by housing, with new dwellings which range from two to three storeys to the south-west and east, as well as older dwellings to the north-west and north. The site is opposite Wensum Park to the south. There is woodland with protected trees above the site next to a car sales business on Aylsham Road to the north-east. This space links through into the site. 
Drayton Road is a busy radial road and bus rapid transit corridor with a mix of residential and commercial uses. In recent years this part of Drayton Road has become increasingly dominated by housing. The site is close to the Wensum Valley and local services on Aylsham Road and at St Augustine’s local centre and Drayton Road district centre. 
Explanatory text

This brownfield site is in a sustainable location for housing or care home uses as it is in a mainly residential area with good access to public transport on the Drayton Road bus rapid transport route and is close to local services and employment opportunities.
Design of the development, including densities, will need to take account of the site’s topography. Whilst relatively low density family housing or care home buildings may be suitable, this does not preclude higher density development if it can be designed to fit in well with neighbouring housing.
The development must provide a frontage to Drayton Road, whilst ensuring that noise for future residents is minimised. The design of the development must also seek retain or replace existing trees on site and create a habitat link to the woodland above the site.
Access to the site should be from its south-east corner onto Drayton Road. A pedestrian crossing point will be required on Drayton Road linking to Wensum Park to improve site accessibility.
Ground conditions and contamination assessments and appropriate mitigation measures will be required.

The site was previously allocated in the 2004 Replacement local plan for 25 dwellings. The allocation for either housing or care home uses is seen to be suitably flexible to enable development given the additional need for care uses within the Norwich area. 
POLICY R24:  Land adjoining Lime Kiln Mews – housing with care/housing development

The site is allocated for either:

  • housing development to provide in the region of 15 dwellings; or
  • housing with care accommodation.

Additional on-street waiting restrictions and pedestrian crossing facilities will be provided as part of the scheme.

Site specific Allocation Land, Hall Road and land to the rear

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