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Site specific allocations in the remainder of the city

R32: 120-130 Northumberland Street


The site is located in the west part of the city and is 0.46 hectares in size. The site currently comprises a disused house and its front curtilage fronting Northumberland Street, with a motor scrap yard and builder’s yard to the rear. There are several mature trees on site. There is a residential institution to the west of the site. Nelson Infant School is to the east on the opposite side the road. There is an electricity substation to the south of the site. 
This part of Northumberland Street is predominantly a residential area with two storey terraced houses, whilst the north part of the street towards Waterworks Road also contains employment uses.
Explanatory text

The site is an accessible location for housing close to local services and public transport. Development of the site will help to enhance the residential character of Northumberland Street, reinstating a housing frontage.
Access will be taken from Northumberland Street and options for through routes reviewed which could link up to Armes Street. Any link should be a home zone, landscaped and designed to slow traffic and prevent rat running. This should be combined with providing a cycle and pedestrian link between Armes Street and Bramfield Close. Design of the development must also take account of the presence of an electrical substation on Bramfield Close to the south and the residential institution to the west, through suitable orientation of buildings and avoiding other amenity impacts to existing residential properties, possibly using planting for screening.  
Design should also reinstate a street frontage.
Prior to development an assessment of on-site trees should be made and thereafter protected and incorporated into any new development as appropriate. Any scheme will benefit from additional landscaping running through the site to improve appearance and site linkages. Specific on-site constraints relating to its current uses will need to be addressed, requiring the undertaking of a contamination assessment and demolition of existing buildings. 

The site was previously allocated in the Replacement local plan for 30 dwellings. The site is in two ownerships and it is important that both parts of the site are developed together to enable a comprehensive scheme. The owners of the site are actively promoting the site and intend to develop it within the plan period. 
POLICY R32:  120-130 Northumberland Street – housing development

The site at 120-130 Northumberland Street is allocated for housing development of approximately 30 dwellings. 
The development will:

  • provide a cycle and pedestrian link between Armes Street and Bramfield Close; 
  • assess and protect on site trees;
  • provide an appropriate landscaping scheme; and
  • assess amenity impacts and provide high quality design in keeping with heights of buildings adjacent to the site.

Site specific Allocation Land, Hall Road and land to the rear

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