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Site specific allocations in the remainder of the city

R34: Land adjacent to and including 349a-349b Dereham Road


This backland site is 0.61 hectares in size and is situated between the main A1074 Dereham Road and Waterworks Road, in the west of the city. It is adjacent to relatively low density detached and semi-detached houses to its north, west and south and its eastern side abuts school playing fields.
The site is currently occupied by two residential properties and a number of garages. The site slopes to the north and west and there are a number of trees on or adjacent to the site including those which provide a good boundary definition along the eastern boundary.
Explanatory text

This backland brownfield site has the potential to provide housing in a sustainable location, close to Dereham Road bus rapid transit route.
Given its location, this site has the potential for strategic impact on the inner and outer ring roads, core bus routes and the bus rapid transit route. Development of the site must facilitate and not prejudice implementation of these key NATS measures. Vehicle, cycle and pedestrian access will be from the Dereham Road. Any necessary improvements to the access will be provided by the developer.
Since the site is within the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) consultation zones for Briar Chemicals (formerly Bayer Cropscience) and Heigham Water Works, early consultation should take place with the HSE to inform a planning application. A contamination assessment and mitigation will also be required.
An assessment of the potential for the retention of on-site trees will be required. Given the large areas of potentially undisturbed vegetation an assessment of any ecology interest likely to exist on site will be required.
Any new development should demonstrate that there will not be a significant impact to existing residential properties in the area.

The site is suitable and available for development within the plan period. 
POLICY R34:  Land adjacent to and including 349a-349b Dereham Road – housing development
Land adjacent to and including 349a-349b Dereham Road is allocated for housing development, to provide in the region of 24 dwellings. 
The development will:

  • provide safe access to Dereham Road;
  • protect the amenity of neighbouring residents;
  • be designed to promote biodiversity and retain on-site trees where possible. 

Site specific Allocation Land, Hall Road and land to the rear

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