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Site specific allocations in the remainder of the city

R8: Aviva Car Park, Southwell Road/Brazen Gate


This former railway coal yard site is 1.12 hectares in size and was previously used as a private surface car park for Aviva employees.
The Lakenham Way pedestrian cycle route and Brazen Gate, the supermarket and car park access road, follow the former railway to the east of the site. Housing and gardens are to the south, with a scout hall and further housing to the west. Southwell Road crosses the former railway line on a bridge to the north.
The site itself is sloping, has changes of level, and is at a significantly lower level than surrounding development. The site is well screened by mature planting, with a retaining wall to the south and landscaping on the east of the site.
The neighbouring Lakenham Way is dominated by trees and forms a green corridor with a pedestrian cycle route.
Explanatory text

The site provides the opportunity for new housing on a brownfield site with excellent access to jobs and services in the city centre and neighbouring shopping facilities at Grove Road local centre and Sainsbury‘s supermarket.
Development should address the site’s constraints which include possible contamination, the significant change in levels within the site, access, and its location adjacent to a green corridor and the cycle network.
As the site is adjacent to the Lakenham Way, which is part of the core cycling network and forms an important green infrastructure corridor, development should be well landscaped and should promote biodiversity. The site itself provides an informal cycle and pedestrian route from Lakenham Way to Southwell Road, which should be retained in any development scheme to provide links to the Grove Road local centre and routes to the west.
The site is suitable for medium to high density housing, with a minimum of 70 dwellings. Development should be designed to protect the amenity and outlook of surrounding residential areas, making use of existing screening and the difference in levels.
The main access should be from Brazen Gate. Due to the excellent local access to services and public transport, options to minimise car parking should be explored.
Since the site is a former coal yard, a contamination survey will be required and any contaminants will have to be removed prior to development.
Although the site is not in a flood risk zone, as it is more than 1 hectare in size a flood risk assessment will be undertaken and appropriate mitigation measures should be provided as part of the development.

The site has planning permission for 86 dwellings. The landowners have stated that it is available for development within the plan period.
POLICY R8: Aviva car park, Southwell Road/Brazen Gate  - housing development

The site of 1.12 hectares is allocated for housing development to provide in the region of 70 dwellings.
Development must be designed to create a new pedestrian/cycle access to the Lakenham Way from Southwell Road and to promote biodiversity, including retaining landscaping between the site and Brazen Gate.

Site specific Allocation Land, Hall Road and land to the rear

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